Friday 25 December 2015

Games, Movies, and TV of 2015! Part Two - The Bad

Bad Games Movies TV 2015
The bad
Following on from part one (the good), I'm now going to concentrate on the games, movies, and TV shows of 2015 that I didn't get on with. Before I begin, this list only includes material that I played or watched this year.

So, here we go again...


The Order: 1886

The Order 1886
No fun
Without a doubt, The Order: 1886 is one of the best-looking games ever made. Unfortunately, that's where the positives end as Ready at Dawn's steampunk action-adventure fails to live up to its early promise. A weak story, generic shooting mechanics, pointless quick time events and a lack of content are just some of its leading issues. I expected more from The Order: 1886, but it just didn't deliver. Void of anything remotely intriguing and zero replay value, this game doesn't deserve your money. My review can be found here.

Beyond: Two Souls

Beyond Two Souls
Shake controller to avoid
Beyond: Two Souls creator, David Cage believes that video games need to be less like games and more like movies. He also thinks that boss fights, levels, and gameplay are all meaningless to people who require intellectual stimulation to feed their minds. So, with that, you would expect he and his team (Quantic Dream) to develop a compelling, movie-game hybrid that's gripping from start to finish. Instead, Beyond: Two Souls is an irrational, boring, utterly pointless 'interactive' action-adventure that does its absolute best to make sure your involvement is totally meaningless. Overall, games need to be games. I want to feel like I am the protagonist, and I especially want to feel like I'm involved in what is happening.

Anyway, I don't need to say too much because the proof is, and will be, in the pudding. The most authentic of video games like, for example, Super Mario World, will still be enjoyed by countless gamers' in years to come while Beyond: Two Souls will be gone and rightfully forgotten. My review is here.


Terminator Genisys

Terminator Genisys
Obsolete design
Why oh why do they keep making Terminator movies? Oh, that's right because people keep heading to the cinema in droves in the hope that a franchise that they hold dear to their hearts may be re-energised and brought back to life in style. Maybe one day that will happen, but Terminator Genisys is not the answer. To sum it up as quickly as possible, the story is as nonsensical as the decision was to spell Genesis "Genisys".


Mad Max: Fury Road

Mad Max Fury Road
"Hope is a mistake."
Ok, before I start, Mad Max: Fury Road is definitely not a bad film. Visually it's stunning. The cinematography, stunts and set-pieces are all superb.

But I genuinely have no idea why so many people rave about it. After the first car chase (that went on for far too long) my interest slowly diminished as the movie progressed. Maybe my problems with Fury Road stem from the lack of overall story. Yes, it's a Mad Max film but if this is what good action films are supposed to be like in 2015, then take me back to the '80s immediately. Simply put, there wasn't enough in Fury Road for me to say it's a 5-star film. Most of all though, the fact that Fury Road holds a 97% rating on Rotten Tomatoes is something I, for the life of me, do not understand.

" It was hard to know who was more crazy, me, or everyone else"...


Game of Thrones: Season 5

Game of Thrones Season 5
Stannis loves a fire
For me, Game of Thrones: season 5 was probably the least exciting season so far. Something just didn't feel right. Of course, there were highlights (SPOILER ALERT), the battle with the White Walkers is probably my favourite scene, and the Mother of Dragons being saved from near death by Drogon was pretty cool. But other than that, not much else sticks in my mind (aside from the last episode of course). Overall, Game of Thrones is a fantastic show that I very much enjoy, and although not being lousy per-se, Season 5 just felt so bland.

Well, that's about it. Surprisingly, there were more things I liked this year than things I hated! 2016 will be a big year, and hopefully, I'll have more access to review material once I get back to Australia.

Anyway, thanks for reading and see you in 2016.